A small service that talks to Android ADB and Emulator using a HTTP API. Written in Java using Spring Boot.


Why creating a small wrapper around ADB and other Android SDK tools? Why implementing a HTTP API? Because a HTTP API is easier to integrate with other softwares for performing tasks like:



java -jar adbaas.jar


Visit https://eaceto.github.io/ADBaaS/usage.html for information about how to use this service.


Visit https://eaceto.github.io/ADBaaS/CHANGELOG.html for a detailed list of changes in the lastest releases.

API documentation

The online documentation is located at https://eaceto.github.io/ADBaaS/swagger/index.html. The OpenAPI 3.0.0 spec is available at https://eaceto.github.io/ADBaaS/openapi/openapi.yaml

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